How to Spot Dog Allergies

How to Spot Dog Allergies in Crown Point, IN

It’s common for people to have seasonal allergies and other types of allergic reactions, but did you know the same is true of dogs? Dogs frequently suffer from allergies in varying degrees and may sometimes need medication to help treat the underlying issue. If you own a dog, it’s important to learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of allergies before they get out of hand.

In this article, you’ll learn some of the most common ways to tell if your dog has allergies. As always, remember to check with your veterinarian in Crown Point for more information and to confirm any suspicions you may have.

how to spot dog allergies

Skin Allergies

Many dogs are prone to skin allergies. These problems often contain themselves solely to the dog’s skin, but sometimes spread to other parts of the body as well. Any dog breed can have a skin allergy, but those with long hair may be more prone to this problem than others. Older dogs are also more likely to develop skin allergy issues. Some skin allergies may be caused by exposure to allergens such as pollen or dust.

Here are some of the signs of skin allergies in dogs to look out for:

  • Dry, flaky patches on the skin. This problem may be caused by allergies but could have other causes, too. It’s important to have your vet take a look if you notice this issue on your dog’s skin.
  • Frequent itching not caused by fleas. Rule out the possibility of fleas before deciding allergies may be the cause of your dog’s itching.
  • Sneezing or runny nose. Although less common with skin allergies than with other types of allergies, some dogs may still suffer from sneezing or a runny nose when they’re exposed to skin irritants.
  • Fur loss. This problem usually comes from chewing or scratching, but requires a vet’s opinion to diagnose.
  • Thickened skin in chronic allergies.
  • Frequent licking of the paws, or itchy paws.


Seasonal Allergies

Although seasonal allergies are less common in dogs than skin allergies, they do still occur. Many dogs take over-the-counter human allergy medication during pollen season to help combat this problem, but this is only effective in 10% of dogs. It’s important to check with your vet first before giving something like this to your dog. There’s always a chance your dog could have a bad reaction to a human medication or could accidentally take too much, so ask a professional for help treating your dog if you think your pet suffers from seasonal allergies.

Here are some signs of seasonal allergies in dogs:

  • Itchy face. Your dog may try to deal with an itchy face by rubbing it on furniture or on the floor.
  • Sneezing or runny nose. A dog with seasonal allergies has many of the same symptoms as a human with this issue, including a runny nose and/or sneezing.
  • Coughing or wheezing. If your dog coughs or wheezes, this may be a sign that the allergies are getting out of hand. You should seek veterinary care soon if you notice these problems in your dog, as they can also be a sign of a much bigger problem.


Food Allergies

Many dogs have food allergies or food intolerances. Although this common problem can cause a lot of issues if left untreated, it’s easy to manage by simply changing your dog’s dietary habits. You may need to change your dog’s regular food as well as treats and stop supplying table scraps in order to fully handle a food allergy issue. Dogs may be allergic to any food ingredients, just like humans, but it can be tricky to figure out the underlying allergen contributing to the problem.

Here are some signs of food allergies to watch out for in your dog:

  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Dogs with food allergies often have digestive responses to the problem. They may vomit frequently or have loose stool often. They may whine or show signs of pain.
  • Skin issues. Most dogs with food intolerances and allergies have skin problems. Dandruff is one of the most common of these issues. Your dog may also have poor coat quality when dealing with a food allergy or intolerance.
  • Runny eyes. Some dogs with food allergies have runny eyes most of the time, but this doesn’t happen in every case.


Insect Bite Allergies

Insect bites may cause a more acute problem than the other three types of allergies listed here. Even so, this issue can be very severe in some rare instances, so it’s important to pay close attention to your dog’s symptoms if you think an insect bite is the culprit. Be ready to go to the vet quickly if you notice your dog’s conditioning worsening or if you already know your dog is severely allergic to certain types of bites or stings.

Here are some of the most common signs of insect bite allergies to look for:

  • Swelling of the snout. This is the most frequent immune response in a dog who has been bitten or stung by an insect. Although this symptom alone is not a serious one, it can mean your dog is going to have a severe allergic reaction. Pay close attention if you notice this happening to your dog.
  • Itching and swelling of the bite. This symptom is common even in mild cases. If the bite changes color or grows much larger, however, seek veterinary treatment.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea. This may be a sign that your dog is going to have a serious allergic reaction to the bite. Get to a vet right away.


Does your dog show one or more of these signs? Many times, dog allergies are easily rectified with medication or simply a lifestyle or food change. However, your vet will be able to give you the most accurate information about your dog’s specific needs, so make sure to speak with them right away if you think your pet is dealing with allergy issues.

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